
About the project


The interagency project “Personnel for investors” has been applied in the Ryazan region since 2022. “Ryazan region Development Corporation” is the coordinator of the project; all the colleges and universities of the region are the partners. The project is aimed at assisting the investment companies in searching and selecting personnel in order to recruit highly qualified specialists. Students can also learn their professional and career prospects during the studies. Graduates can obtain decent jobs. The number of investment enterprises, which showed interest in the project “Personnel for investors”, has been increased 3 times during the year.


Contact details:

JSS “Ryazan region Development Corporation”

390000, Ryazan, Kashirina Street, 1B building


Telephone: +7 (4912) 77-77-17

If you got interested, contact the coordinator of the project - Maria Vikulova 77-77-17 add. 215.

Партнеры проекта

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