Ryazan Region Development Corporation
Контент сайта
Joint stock society “Ryazan region Development Corporation” is a specialized establishment, founded by the Government of the Ryazan region for all-inclusive assistance of investment projects at each stage of their implementation, decreasing of bureaucratic formalities, supporting innovative business projects on the territory of the region by creating conditions for infrastructure development.
Goals and objectives of the Corporation:
- Support of business initiatives in the Ryazan region;
- Consultations on the perspectives of the project and its realization, taking into consideration the advantages of the region, economic features, exemptions and preferences, meant for the residents of the investment sites;
- Organization of interaction between the local administration and investors for realization of the projects and receiving the permit documentation;
- Preparation of the cooperation agreement;
- Organization of business negotiations and meetings;
- Administrative and technical assistance of the projects, including utility hookup;
- Organization and holding events representative;
- Assistance in selecting personnel for the residents of the Ryazan region investment sites.
Our Team
Vyacheslav Valerievich
Director General of
JSS “Ryazan region Development Corporation”
Vadim AlexandrovichThe Head of the legal assistance department
IgorevichThe Head of the development of investment potential department
AlekseevnaThe Head of Investor Relations Department
Maria TigranovnaHead of the competence center in the field of agricultural cooperation and support for farmers
Tatyana VictorovnaThe Head of the construction and technical assistance department
Ilya VladimirovichThe Head of the technology park “Ryazan innovative science and technology center” RISTC