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On February 17, two Deputies of the Region’s Governor, Artem Nikitin and Evgeny Belenetsky held an off-site business meeting with the management of the Regional Development Corporation and contractors of the “Ryazansky” Industrial Park. The agenda of the meeting included discussion of the preliminary results of attracting investors, equipping the site with engineering, transport and logistics infrastructure during the winter period, and preparing for the coming construction work.

“Currently, the “Ryazansky” Industrial Park is the biggest investment platform for our region. We work with potential residents of the site every day. There are still unoccupied land plots there, but every day fewer and fewer of them remain available,” said Artem Nikitin. “Practically within a week, the first residents will already come to the site to start building their production facilities. Simultaneously, we are launching projects for four more industrial parks to be developed in different districts of the region. Our main goal remains the same: to ensure smooth entry of each new investor into the region. And besides the site of the “Ryazansky” Industrial Park, we needmore proposals ofnew infrastructure sites for investment projects.”

Commenting on the commissioning schedule of the infrastructure facilities in the industrial park, Nikitin indicated that they will be ready by autumn; and by December of this year, the completion of work on general improvement of the territory of the “Ryazansky” Industrial Park.