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On November 10, a showroom of enterprises from the Ryazan Region was opened in Tashkent, where 500 products from 56 companies of the region are presented, including those specializing in the production of construction products, child car seats, and food equipment. The showroom in Uzbekistan is the second presentation platform of this kind, aimed at acquainting businesses and authorities of neighboring countries with the investment and tourism potential of the Ryazan Region. The first showroom was opened in Kazakhstan in September earlier in the year.

“In spite of all borders, linguistic and cultural differences, we have much more in common. We all want prosperity for our lands, well-being for the inhabitants. And, of course, business development, which is the main condition for economic and social growth, the most powerful mechanism for improving any territory. Strong businessesmake a strong region. We follow this motto. I am sure that it is close to you too,” the Governor of the Ryazan Region emphasized as he addressed the participants.

He added that a whole range of state support measures for business are implemented in the region. Thanks to this, our entrepreneurs have access to opportunities that expand the geography of their export, participation in exhibition events, direct B2B communication, as well as participation in projects such as this mobile showroom. “Its slogan very accurately describes its essence and main idea: Opening borders and expanding opportunities,” said Nikolay Lyubimov.